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Monday 11 February 2013

DEAL FAIL: Stun Gun Overpriced by 150%

Groupon is selling a Stun Gun as shown below for R249, claiming a 50% discount on the original price of R499.

Wicount had the same Stun Gun on special last week for R139 (see below).

Here's the kicker, stunguns.co.za is selling the same (or similar) Stun Gun for R95 making the Wicount deal 40% overpriced and the Groupon deal 150% overpriced based on their sale price.
My suggestion to the 176 people that bought it already, ask for a refund and buy it online.

Thanks for the tip Mohamed.

1 comment:

  1. Or you can just buy it from BOB
    for R65 posted :)
