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Tuesday 12 February 2013

DEALS: 14c Uncapped ADSL 1Mbps account

Time to stay awake the night or the 13th February until midnight and try and get one of these uncapped ADSL accounts for R0.14.
Click on the image below for the deal on the G-connect website.
Not sure what the T&C's are but they state that there is no catch.
Perhaps it's only applicable for the remainder of February once bought. Hopefully more will be revealed soon.

Please comment if you were one of the lucky few to get one of these accounts.


  1. I suspect that what you're getting is an uncapped account for one day only - "...and will end on the same day."

  2. https://gconnect.wirelessg.co.za/uncappedpromotion.aspx

    here is the terms and conditions. Looks like you can get it till the end of feb and till the end of march

  3. I was just doing some calculations regarding this deal. Since they don't mention what the terms and conditions, this is the conclusion I came to:

    1) If it is R0.14 a month, its insanely cheap, but will only run at that for a limited time(my guess).
    2) If it is R0.14 a day, its R4.20 a month(30 Days), which is still very cheap.
    3) If it is R0.14 a hour,(0.14*24*30) will cost R100.80 a month, which is still cheap.

    Guess i will have to wake up at 12:00am to see what they decide to do.


    1. Guess I was wrong. Only valid till end of March. Thanks for the link to terms and conditions...


  4. I guess you need a 1mb line to use the uncapped. I have a usb modem so i shouldn't bother

    1. The offer clearly states ADSL UNCAPPED... if you do not have an ADSL line this account will not work.

      What kind of a USB modem do you have there? A Vodacom/MTN/CellC/8ta one? These will obviously not work with ADSL at all.
