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Wednesday 27 February 2013

DEALS: Verbatim 3.5" 3TB USB 3.0 Hard Drive for R1099

Incredible connection has an external 3 TB hard drive on sale for R1099.

Online only.

Click on image so to access the deal.

Thanks for the tip AQP, Nic, Lance and Grant.


  1. I just bought this drive. It has one annoyance: it appears as 2 drives (2.2tb and 800gb). Not two paritions. Two physical drives. The following software can apparently sort out the issue though: http://www.verbatim.com.au/en_AU/products/hard-drives/desktop/47673/3-5-store-n-save-desktop-hard-drive-usb-3-0-3tb/drivers/asset/8231

  2. The deal has been removed from their site.

  3. Yep its gone...Unfortunately this product is not currently available online

  4. Betting it was some kind of mistake on their part...

  5. It was a ONE DAY SALE only

  6. 3 things:

    Was not a mistake - like AQP mentioned it was a 'One Day Only' sale. They advertised it all over twitter and FB since the 26th already.

    Was not an online-only deal. Offer was available in stores as well.

    They also had a free shipping offer on 27/02/2013 for all online orders, but this was never implemented properly at checkout. Make sure you phone them up and get them to action a refund for the delivery fees!
