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Wednesday 22 February 2012

DEALS: Contract Special - Cell C + Phone, PS3 plus data for R145 per month @ Dionwired

If you the market for a PS3 and you strapped for cash then this deal is for you.

For a total contract price of R3480 (R145 per month x 24) you get:

PS3 160Gb console (on sale at game for R2899 this week)
LG Phone (resale price R350)
Cell C 3Gb data deal with modem (R599)

Totalling up the values above (R2899+R350+R599) = R3848
So you get R3840 worth of goods for R3480.
And this exclude the Cell C Control Chat 100 airtime (worth maybe R50 per month) if you want to count it.

So essentially you get an interest free 24 month loan to buy your PS3 and internet and you getting it discounted.

Click on the image below to access the deal.

Deal available till the 28 February 2012.
Note that it does not state that sim and connection is free on the add so please enquire about that.


  1. Is this deal still available? Promised my son a PS3 in exchange for a good reprot card. He recived Excellent marks and now I have to make good with my promise. Need a PS3 months pay off deals, soon please? Thanks Rensch@live.com

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