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Thursday 12 January 2012

EXPIRED - DO NOT BUY the "Gadgets R Us" groupon voucher.

DO NOT BUY the "Gadgets R Us" groupon voucher that I posted two days ago.

All the cheap items on their website has been bumped up to a minimum order quantity making it impossible to get a good deal for your voucher.

I have requested Groupon to refund my voucher.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

If you were keen on any of the items on their website I am sure you can find it much cheaper on DealExtreme.com with free delivery.


  1. I noticed this last night when I wanted to buy an El-Cheapo cigarette lighter socket to USB thing.
    Some of the items have a minimum order of 100 units!!! That's quite ridiculous.

  2. Yip.
    When I received my voucher this morning I went to the site to use only to find that I cannot purchase anything good.
    Groupon will most likely refund the voucher as they have done so before.

  3. Oi, guys...

    I understand the groupon as allowing the purchase of 1 unit of whatever you want on their site - no need to order eg 100 units via their online store... "To redeem, send PDF Groupon, delivery and contact details and _item_ for purchase to: riaan@gadgets-r-us.co.za"

    In any case, I would not buy this groupon as all their stuff seems to be grossly overpriced Chinese products.

  4. Hi,
    If this is the case that I can order one item instead of the minimum required on the website ,then the deal is ok.
    The way I read the Groupon is that you allowed one coupon per purchase.
    Have you confirmed that you can order one item if it states that it has a minimum number required on the website.
