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Saturday 9 April 2011

EXPIRED - DEALS: Xbox 360 for R999.95

Just discovered that Incredible Connection are selling out all their stock of the old Xbox 360 Arcade units for R999.95. This is an in-store purchase and cannot be bought online like the previous special I posted.
See link below for more information as well as store availability:

I went to check at the Waterfront Cape Town Branch and they are sold out. The system indicated 14 units with the SKU:73257 and 10 units with the SKU:66800 are available at the Fourways branch. I suggest you call the branches shown in the availability window before rushing through. Quote the SKU numbers for easy assistance.

At R999.95 you are getting, albeit the older model, a HD gaming console, networked HD media player and DVD player all rolled into one. A WD Live HD player costs you about the same and does not give nearly as much benefit.

Please comment on this post if you managed to get one.


  1. Did anyone get this deal? Waterfront CPT was out of stock. I hope someone got this deal at the Fourways branch.

  2. Fourways says that their stock is not in good condition and cannot be sold to the public. Meh!

  3. Thats very sad. If no one can confirm a purchase in the next day or two I will declare the post expired. Pointless to have people running around for a non existent deal.
