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Friday, 14 December 2012

DEALS: TV Specials at Hirsch's and Dionwired Online Today Only (14 December 2012)

Dionwired has the Sony Bravia KLV-40BX450 LCD TV for R5000 which includes a Blu Ray player worth R700 (not R1000). This make the TV R 4300 which is not at all bad for a FHD LCD Sony.
Click on the image above to be directed to the deal.

Hirsch's has an LG FHD 3D LED TV 42LM3400 for R5599. This a decent price for a 3D LED TV but not that it one of the lower model LG TVs around so please compare picture quality to other TV sets in store.
Click on the image above to be directed to the deal.

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