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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

EXPIRED - DEALS: PS3 320GB plus games for R2499 at Musica

Musica is having a sale on their PS3 consoles for R2499.

Some of the variations available are:
320GB Console & GT5 Platinum & God Of War III Platinum
320GB Console & Infamous 2 Special Edition
320GB Console & Killzone 3 Collector's Edition
320GB Console & Infamous 2 & Resistance 3

To put this deal into perspective, Game is selling 320GB PS3 with GT5 for R3799.

Please call your nearest Musica to confirm stock.

Click on the image below to be directed to the Musica website.

Thanks to The Deal Breaker for the information.


  1. Went to the store they told me it was R3700

    1. Maybe its one of those specials where the franchise branches are not informed???...Hate those.

  2. BloggerPlus App12 July 2012 at 15:13

    I see that on the website 2 of the bundles that was available yesterday is now gone.
    It was probably a limited stock sale.

  3. I managed to get 2 bundles at canal walk store - was there on Wednesday

    1. So I was there yesterday again to collect my 2 bundles.
      I only left with 1 tho. Canal Walk had 5 consoles on hold - hence the "no stock"

  4. Hi, would anyone know if the ps3 bundle with gow3 platinum and gt5 platinum which was on offer at musica, did this bundle come with an extra controller?
