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Friday, 30 November 2012

DEALS: R 1300 for a 3TB 3.5" external drive

This was just sent to me.

"This is quite a good deal that Incredible Connection has at the moment
(online and I believe now in their shop as well). A couple of hundred rand
cheaper than what you'd pay for a 3TB even if you were registered as a
dealer with Esquire/Frontosa etc..."

Link to the deal.

Thanks for the tip Lindsay.


  1. Also check if Game has the exact model. Then even get it for less. I know they have a 3.5 inch for 1400 or 1500 not quite sure what the brand is....

    So try it out and score an extra 50 - 100 rand!

  2. That link seems to be broken now. Rather try here: https://www.incredible.co.za/ProductDescription.aspx?SKU=80716

    And yes, worth checking if Game has the Seagate drive and it's more expensive as they'll beat the price ;)
