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Friday, 30 November 2012

DEALS: 50% off selected Microsoft peripherals @ Dionwired Canal Walk

I stumbled onto a sale table at Dionwired Canal Walk where they were selling Microsoft peripherals for 50% discount.

Some of the items on sale are:

  • Microsoft Wireless Keyboard and Mouse 5000 was R800 now R400

  • Microsoft Wireless Keyboard and Mouse 3000 was R700 now R350

  • Microsoft Wireless Keyboard and Mouse 2000 was R500 now R250

  • Microsoft Wireless Keyboard and Mouse 800 was R300 now R150

  • Lifcam HD3000 was R300 now R150

And various other mice and keyboards as well.


  1. Clearing the isles for Windows 8 gear. Waiting for some of that multi touch gesture based goodness for PCs without touchscreens.

  2. Unless, do they have any Touch Mouse devices on sale?

  3. When I went at 17h30 yesterday, they had one touch mouse available. But ya, they told me they clearing all the stock for the new Win8 goodies
