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Monday, 13 May 2013

DEALS: SAMSUNG DA-E670 Wireless Docking system (60%+ off)

Get the SAMSUNG DA-E670 Wireless Docking system for R1000.
This has a built in dock as well has all share, bluetooth and audio streaming built in.
The Dionwired's ad says it was R2000 but if you check online you can find it for over R4000 on Bid or Buy and $299 overseas (Amazon, Crutchfield).

On the one SA review on ITweb it states "For its price (recommended retail R4 999)" which I am assuming was the original launch price.

So for R1000 you getting a lot for your money considering you can even use it to enhance you TV's audio.
If you need a high end audio device for your kitchen, study or TV room then this is a bargain.

Click on the image below to access the deal. Note that this is part of the Blue Monday specials so it is only available for today.