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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

UPDATE - DEALS: PS3 surround sound wireless headphones for R350

UPDATE - See comments below. This is a price mistake. So unless you like the Hulk with demanding pricing on misprints I doubt that you will get it.

Dion wired has the PS3 7.1 surround sound wireless headphones for sale for R350.

These use to be priced at R900.

The photo was taken from the latest specials pamphlet valid from the 22nd August.


  1. Pricing error. Actual price R999

  2. Hey Fayaaz

    Just a heads up, this is a misprint. Posted the same thing this morning only to find out a bit later that it was a pricing error and the stock is only arriving next month.

  3. Thanks for letting me know. I updated the post to let the readers know. Maybe you will get a adamant person demanding the headset and getting it right. If you did please post a comment.
