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Thursday, 8 September 2011

EXPIRED - UPDATE - Deal: Sony Bravia 32" (inch) Full HD LED TV for R2238 @ Zappon

UPDATE 2: They have now removed the special from the site completely hence the link below is not working. But I was informed that the guys that managed to get the deal and their money deducted will get the TV. Will keep this post updated as I get more information.

UPDATE: Seems like they spotted the mistake and the site is now down.

Not sure if this is a mistake but Zappon today has the Sony Bravia 32" LED TV on sale for R2238.

It might say purchase for R4199 in the description but when you click buy it indicates R2238 as shown in the image below.
Start clicking and get your 32inch LED for 63% off.

Click on the image below for a link to the deal:


  1. I know about 10+ people that got the deal at R2238. I just saw now that it is back up on the site with the corrected price of R4199. Lets hope the honor the deal that was initial advertised for those that bought it.

  2. is the deal finish?

  3. The deal seems to have vanished again. If it does come back I think it will definitely be with the correct selling price.

  4. and what is the correct selling price?

  5. I saw the deal, got my credit card out without even thinking - it was a surebuy - bam, error 404. I missed it with minutes :-(

  6. It is back at R4500 http://www.zappon.co.za/johannesburg/deal/pay-r4,500-for-a-sony-bravia-kdl-32ex600,-with-full-hd-and-internet-tv

    I've seen the 32EX600 retail for sub R5000 quite a few times, R4500 is not much of a discount if you ask me...

  7. well cant we insist on the previous listed price?

  8. As much as I hate Zappon (long story), I do not see any way that we can insist on the previous price. :-(

  9. At R4500 it is not much of a discount but at R2238 it is a hellava bargain.
