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Monday 30 April 2012

EXPIRED - DEALS: Plantronic Gamecom Gaming Headset for R199 (Save 70%)

One day only has the Plantronic 367 and 377 PC gaming headset on sale till midnight today (30 May 2012). This is about a 70% saving over the retail price.
Note that it has been reboxed but has still got the full warranty.
Click on the image below to access the deal.


  1. There is one on Kalahari (box and everything) for R281. Looks the exact same but not sure... Check it out before you buy this one.

  2. Platronics 377 headset:

    R281.95 (including delivery) on kalahari.net vs. R238 (Excluding shipping) on OneDayOnly. Rather buy it from Kalahari.net if you want it as it is R44 more but includes delivery as well as an original box. Here is the link:


    If you already bought it then im sure one day only wil refund you if you dont want it within a certain number of days.

    Lesson: Always google before you fall for "normal Price" tactics by these deal websites as sometimes they over inflate the savings.

    1. I agree, a quick Google search would save you money. It takes you 1 minute (2 at most) to find an online store with real Retail Price tags on their products.

      LOL - R649 "Retail Price", for the GameCom 367/377 Stereo Headsets?
      I hope they're joking? If they are...not funny.

      You can pick up the GameCom 777 (5.1) Headsets at Kalahari for a nice R490 (including delivery). You do the match.

      Nice market strategy from Onedayonly, playing with those numbers to attract customers.

  3. Sorry guys for falling into their marketing ploy. I should have known better. I was on Vacation hence the lax in checking the online price. Good to know there's some savvy followers out there.

  4. No Problem at all "Fayaaz". At the very least, hotsadeals users/followers should thank those who contribute to the site. If everyone is to post their latest findings on current specials and deals, all will benefit. That is what hotsadeals is all about. It's all about the network.

    So...Thank you for the post. Which led more users to give their input.


  5. Forming this network is the whole idea behind HotSADeals. It's not a commercial platform to market products instead it is to be used to inform the consumers as to where to get the best deals.
    I'm thinking of adding a forums area where users can ask advice on various things like best TV to buy, etc. But I need to investigate the amount of work that is involved in setting it up and managing it.
    Ps. Please add username to your comments so I can follow who said what. Thanks.
