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Tuesday, 1 April 2014

DEALS: Buy One Get One Free McDonald's FIFA Box Meal

Vodacom's new voucher website vouchercloud is offering "Buy a FIFA World Cup Box and Get 1 Free".

So that is R86 for 4 Burgers, chips and drinks instead of R172.

Click on the image below to access the deal.

Thanks for the Shamiel.



  1. thanks for the tip, went to mcds today and worked out pretty cheap

  2. Worked like a charm. Thanks Fayaaz.

  3. Thank you Fayaaz for the share! Just heads up to anyone taken up this offer.Speak to a manager/supervisor as the cashier won't know anything about :vouchercloud - they will tell you some nonsense like we a franchise etc. Don't buy that nonsense on their Point-of-sale there is an option ( vouchercloud option )- show the cashier your code! They will take down your number . This is the first time I am using voucher cloud was frustrating not the first time I have experienced bad service from this branch.

    Bon Appetite!

  4. Thanks Fayaaz! Downloaded my VoucherCloud app yesterday and got lunch! The McDs in Durban road had no problem with the voucher code.
