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Thursday, 21 March 2013

DEALS: Verbatim 3.5" 3TB USB 3 Hard Drive for R1099

Incredible Connection is selling the Verbatim 3.5" 3TB USB 3 Hard Drive for R1099 (27% off).
Click on the image below to access the deal.

Thanks for the tip Rocco.


  1. Not available online. In store perhaps? Anyone confirm?

  2. Was available on wednesday and thursday, I bought one, must have run out of stock hence why the link is no longer active. This is the third time i've seen the special, so expect to see it again..seems to be every 3 weeks or so...

  3. Anyone figured out how to open this thing? I want to use it as internal disk!

  4. It is not designed to be opened probably like all the other external drives. You need to open it with a spatula as to not damage the plastic casing if there are no screws and it clips together. You would void the warranty however.

    You might need a few plastic or rubber utensils to wedge inbetween and then lift the lid out.
