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Friday, 8 March 2013

DEAL FAIL: Want it All's 20% Discount Vouchers Misleading

Want it All sent me the discount voucher as shown in the image below this morning.
The first time I received one of these was quite a few months ago and I got very excited and search their site for something large and awesome and eventually found an R8000 piece of equipment that I wanted only to discover at check out that there was only a reduction of R150. That's when I read the small print.
If you look at the bottom of the screen capture you will see that it states a "Max discount of R150".

I was so furious that I emailed wantitall.co.za and expressed my feelings to put it mildly and requested that they stop bombarding me with these misleading offers. Well it seems that they are at it again.

All I have to say is that I do not respect a company that uses small print to mislead their customers.

This might be worth your while if you found something for R750 on the site that was actually competitively priced.

Challenge to our readers: Find something on the wantitall website for R750 or less that is competitively priced and post it in the comments section.


  1. Well, when I see the words 'up to' I'm immediately sceptical.

  2. There shouldn't be anything competitively priced anywhere on the site...

  3. the asterix is a dead give-away that trickery is afoot...

  4. Yet, more ripoffs from Wanitall. I have no idea how people still buy from these guys. The reality is that even with 20% off anything they sell, you're still not coming close to a reasonable price.

    Have you seen the markup at Wantitall? I'm a sculptor and at the end of last year my supplier was low on stock. Google seartch found the item on Wantitall. A block of clay normally sets me back R190 with the SA distributor would cost R490 at Wantitall.

    Another clay I can get imported from the manufacturer in the states would cost me about R340 with postage. Wantitall, a whopping R1,284.

    Wacom Bamboo from an online retailer R1,204. At Incredible Connection (who are the epitome of overpriced) R1,499. Same exact thing from Wantitall - R1,782. Supposedly down from R2,104.

    If you compare anything on their site it's massively marked up. The fact that things might be imported makes no difference. All of these things are imported and you can easily get them here either from a retailer or bring them in yourself for so much less.

    1. Also there delivery cost is generall R156. So with the limited discount of R150, you just stuff at an excessive price.

    2. I never even knew about the delivery. In my experience courier fees with most places is around R50-R65 bucks. That's just pure insanity.

  5. They have been reported for this at Advertising Standards Authority of South Africa. However because of clear conditions nothing is being done to them any more. Previous time they had to pull...
