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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

DEAL FAIL: Groupon Hard Drive Special overpriced by 100%

This was sent to me by Damien:

"Groupon is advertising a 1TB WD Elements external hard drive, including delivery for R999 (which is decent price) but claim it to be a discount from R1799

Game has had it for R999 for a while now already and Dionwired for R990, but Takealot.com has best current price of R899 including shipping
If you compare the claimed original price of R1799 to the R899 that Takealot is offering it at then Groupon is misrepresenting the orignal price 100%.
Thanks for the tip Damien.


  1. Pay R 769 for a WD Elements 2.5 inch 500GB external hard drive, valued at R1 199

    Pay R 999 for a WD Elements SE 2.5 inch 1TB HDD USB 3.0 external hard drive, valued at R1 799

    Pay R1 399 for two WD Elements 2.5 inch 500GB external hard drive, valued at R2 398

    Pay R1 999 for two WD Elements SE 2.5 inch 1TB HDD USB 3.0 external hard drive, valued at R3 598


  2. Yes but the one on groupon is for a 2.5" external that does not need a PSU to run but uses the USB port to get powered where as the one at IC and takealot is a 3.5" which uses a PSU so the price is very good indeed

    1. Nope you are wrong! the drives at both Game & on Takealot.com ARE the 2.5" USB drive, which i myself have already bought... it even clearly states that in the link #readnexttimefool


  3. No you are wrong!! the drive at both Game & on Takealot.com ARE the 2.5" USB drive, which i myself have already bought... it even clearly states that in the link #readnexttimefool

    "Western Digital Elements 2.5 Inch Portable 1TB Drive"
