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Thursday, 1 November 2012

DEAL FAIL: Groupon 26" Samsung LED TV vs 32" at Game

Groupon has the above TV on special for R2999. It is a UA26EH4000 26" LED HD TV for which they claim a 25% discount. Now this deal ends tonight but I thought I'd still post this Deal Fail to inform the readers.

Game has the UA32EH4000 32" LED HD TV as shown below, which is the same model TV with all the same features just larger (= better) with a free DVD player for R3299. If you subtract the DVD player cost of about R299 (I know they claim R399) we get to the same price of the 26" TV.

I would definitely feel more comfortable walking into Game and buying this larger 32" off the shelf than a 26" through Groupon. Eish and 46 people bought this already.

Please research your Groupon pricing before you buy.

A quick one: "Save 40% on a Digitz EZmouse" for R359 on Groupon.
This website has it for R310 without any claim to a 40% discount. I found this by simply googling "Digitz Ezmouse price co.za". Please check / verify that the retail websites are legit before buying from them. I'm only using this as an example.

Thanks for the tip Imraan.


  1. The game one seem HDR and that one FHD?

  2. I checked now. Both of them are HD ready.

  3. It seems like the Groupon TV deal just got extended by another 3 days. I Wonder how many more than the existing 46 people are going buy this sub par deal?

  4. Lol hope they read this before they decide to buy lol
