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Wednesday, 10 October 2012

DEALS: Two High End Demo TVs on Clearance at Dionwired Canal Walk

I stumbled onto these two deals in Dionwired Canal Walk.
Both are demo models.
The LG has some skuff marks on the bezel hence the bigger discount (see pics below).

Please ask to speak to Ryan or Naushaad in the store and mention that you saw the deal on Hot SA Deals when you purchase it. Note that there are only one of each.

LG 55LW6310 55" Smart 3D LED TV
Normal retail R40 000
Sale Price R15 000
63% off

Skuff Marks on Bezel

Samsung UA55D8000 55" Smart 3D LED TV
Normal retail R40 000
Sale Price R22 000
45% off


  1. Hi fayaaz. Can u please give me your email address so i can ask you a few questions. Thanks

  2. You can mail me at hotsadeals@gmail.com
