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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

DEALS: Samsung 51" Full HD 3D plasma Smart TV for R8999 @ Makro

Get the new 51" Samsung 3D Full HD plasma Smart TV.

It comes with the following extras:
3 x 3D movies (value R500)
6 x 3D glasses (value R150)

This is also a Smart TV allowing you to download apps for the TV.

This deal is valid till the 10th September.

Click on the image below for more information.


  1. Just a note, I got this same deal from Hirschs this weekend, fantastic TV. (and for extra R1000 I got a 5 year swap out warranty)
    But they told me Samsung released this bundle to allot of distributors and there is plenty of stock lying around.
    So if you missed this, just ask around and you might still be able to get this deal.

  2. Thanks for the tip Pieter.
    I know Tafelberg in Cape Town also betters prices if you negotiate.
    This is an excellent TV for the size and price.
    The other option is to buy the Samsung 46" 46ES6200 LED TV for R11000 when it is on special with the free Bluray player (worth R1500), making it essentially R9500, that is if you really want a 100Hz 3D LED TV.
