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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

EXPIRED - DEALS: 14 month Xbox Live Gold Membership for only R299 @ BT Games

I got a tip off and verified that BT Games has the 12+2 month Xbox Live Gold Membership's for R299 without the requirement of buying a console or a game.
So if your gold membership is expiring soon go out and buy one so long. It works out to R21.36 per month.


  1. Apparently the special has already ended...

  2. I just called the Cape Gate branch yesterday and they had stock at that price. I purchased one for myself. Best bet would be to call before going through to the store.

  3. I check the website and they have a 12 month gold card listed at R299. It could be the same 12 + 2 months but its not clear from the description.
    Anyways if 12 months, it works out to about R24 per month, which is still a good deal.
