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Friday 1 February 2013

DEALS: DSTV PVR for R999 @ PnP

I spotted this deal on a board outside the Canal Walk PnP at 2pm (2 Feb 2013).
I am assuming that this is the HD PVR and if it is then this is the cheapest that I have ever seen an HD PVR on sale for.
I would suggest you call your local PnP before going in as this might just be a clearance special at the Canal Walk PnP branch.


  1. Heard a PNP advert about this on the radio so it should be at all branches that normally stock decoders. They are trying to get rid of their stock all over before the new PVR gets released.

  2. Can anyone confirm that this is in fact the HD pvr?

  3. Yes it is the HD Pvr. It's on the online store as well.

    Nice one guys! Just ordered mine.
