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Thursday 31 January 2013

DEAL FAIL: Overestimate 51% discount on Tyres @ Groupon and Speedy

This was sent to me by an anonymous user:

"Groupon has a very big epic fail today on the Speedy Tyre deals.

I paid lower than their already 50% discounted price two weeks ago for a 205 55 16 firehawk Tz200

Super quick in Obz (another branch also quoted the same price) for R750 (including VAT, fitment and balancing)

Groupon and speedy tyres in town which are charging R735 (including VaT, fitment but excluding balancing and valve which is probably around R20 to R30)

Not sure how they get to the 50% discounted price of R735 when I paid R750 2weeks ago at super quick - I don't know if they gave me a bit of a discount coz I took 4 tyres but definitely not a 50% discount

This just shows that you have to do research on these claimed discounted prices before buying the vouchers. Groupon and Speedy is claiming that they are offering a 51% discount but essentially are selling them at the normal retail price.
To see the deal on the Groupon website click on the image below.


  1. Just commenting to say keep the Deal Fails coming. The Consumers need to be informed - especially sale junkies like myself!!!

  2. Hear hear on the deal fails.
    Keep 'em coming too!
