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Saturday 28 January 2012

DEALS: Case Logic Green iPad / netbook messenger bag for R49 @ Dionwired

I popped in to my nearest Dionwired looking for a snug messenger bag for my iPad only to find this Case Logic bag reduced to R49.
It perfectly fits the iPad with a little extra room for some notes or a charger.
It also comes with a full shoulder strap for easy carrying.

Based on the price of the other bags I can only assume that this bag was about R200 - R300.

Not sure if this is available at all Dionwireds. I bought this at the new Tygervalley branch in Cape Town.
They had about 5 on the shelf when I left.


  1. There are now 3 left. You will find them in the laptop bag section.

  2. Cool I bought one yesterday. There was only one remaining at Tygervalley when i left.
