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Tuesday 22 November 2011

DEALS: 3 Months Free ADSL with MWEB 6 months contract (50% off your ADSL bill)

For more information on this deal click on the image above.
Get 3 months free ADSL internet when signing a 6 month contract. That saves you 50% on your ADSL bill.
Note that you have to be a DSTV subscriber and a new MWEB client to take advantage of this deal.


6 months uncapped ADSL = (6 x R219) = R1314

If you factor in the discount  = (3 x R219) = R657 = R109.50 per month

This was based on the 384kbps ADSL uncapped package.
Note sure if this deal is applicable to the packages including line rental.


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